Category Archives: new sites

New Site: Love You to the Moon!

Been polishing this one since I got to see Inside Out in theaters last summer:

Love You to the Moon
Love You to the Moon, a small tribute to Bing Bong

This one page site is packed full of feels; I cried while writing it, and you might cry (with both sad and happy tears) while reading it. Have your tissues handy as you learn more about this wonderful minor character who utterly stole the show!

New Site: Unspend!

Presenting my newest site, just in time for the holidays: Unspend!


This little GIF-heavy, conversational site arose out of one of my 2015 resolutions concerning money-saving; it has grown from a tiny fun project into a mindset-changing philosophy about money, spending, and happiness. Check it out!

New Site: Lux Perpetua!

After 7 years, my shrine to Dove from Hawk & Dove comics is online!

Lux Perpetua has been a labor of love for many years–I had it almost 80% done in 2011, but the Great Hard Drive Crash of 2011 lost all its files. Now, at last, this tribute to my favorite comic book superhero is viewable, and can only get more complete with time!

Check it out when you get a chance! (This site is also my entry for the August Transformation Challenge over at Bad @ss B!tches.)

New Site: Declutter!

After a whirlwind of inspiration hit a couple of nights ago, here is my newest baby site: Declutter! It’s GIF-heavy, hilarious, and inspiring all rolled in one little HTML page.

Declutter was born from the year-long project I’ve undertaken at my house, to finally purge my closets and house of all the junk that has accumulated over time. It’s taken a long time and I’m nowhere near done, but I’m already feeling better, and hopeful about getting it all done by the end of the year.

I hope that this little site will serve as a funny bit of inspiration for those who want to start decluttering but haven’t quite worked up the energy to do so. YOU CAN DO IT!! If this hoarder can be reformed, anyone can! XD

New Exits Page!

My “Contact,” “Affiliate,” and “Link-Exchange” pages have finally been edited and combined into one tidy single-page site: my Exits page! Give it a look-see! 😀

Also, I still am working behind the scenes on stuff in my projects list…it’s just been a weirdddd few months. ^_^;

New Site: The Impossible Dream!

olaf_joyful WOOT! Today I am happy to announce that my unusual Olaf fansite, The Impossible Dream, is officially launched! (And it’s 32 days ahead of schedule! :O!!) Click the link to see how this English major breaks down Olaf’s functions in the film, plus read analyses involving Don Quixote and the Bible–if it sounds weirdly cool, that’s because it is! 😀

(Also, I apparently love exclamation marks!!! LOL)