I updated a couple of moved/closed fanlistings over at Captivations, and I plan to do a thorough review of all the FL links on there right before v13 goes live as well. Just want to make sure I’m linking to the right stuff! 😀
Also, I’m still working like a fiend behind the scenes of WMW.org here. I just finished a complete revamp of the Webmistress page last night, and I’m planning the same kind of revamp for the College Knowledge section as well, because I’m not really satisfied with the page layout in that section right now–it feels kinda cramped.
All that remains to be done, after the College Knowledge revamp, is to debug all the layouts (WMW.org itself, FL page, news blog, network, links), make sure they run in all the main browser types, and then–joy of joys!–v13 will be uploaded! *happy squee dance* 😀 Now here’s hoping I can actually DO this before June ends. LOL