Tag Archives: links

Actual Updates (with Glitches)

Good news: I finally uploaded Version 17, The Sacred Sea, which has been sitting in development hell on my computer since 2020! Much rejoicing!! I DID A WEB DESIGN THINGY <3 annddddddd I have officially participated in the Amassment web design event being held on Discord this fall!

What’s been updated:

  • Main domain, with 2 pages of new content (gifts and a beginner’s guide to hobby webdesign)
  • Network page
  • Explore page and links page (stopped using the /exits/ and /exits/links/ URLs because I cannot be bothered anymore, LOL)

Bad news: I can’t get the text links to stop using default color and formatting, and I can’t get the paragraphs to stop looking all squashed together. ( Everything else works on the stylesheet, and W3C didn’t catch any code errors, so I have no idea why these two rules are broken.)

I will try to fix it tomorrow, but if I can’t get it fixed, it will probably have to wait till the end of the semester. HOWEVER! I am still counting this as a win because I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do it. Fall Break helped my brain breathe long enough to do it <3<3<3

And now I am off to get started on my night routine (and try to make my brain shut up about the glitchy code XD)

Version 15 Is Live!

HOORAY!!! After months of puttering around behind the scenes, Version 15: Passionate Light is ready to view and explore!

Here’s some of the new sights to see:

Let me know what you think about version 15 in the comments or the guestbook! I’m really happy with it so far! (And as always, if something is displaying strangely on your machine, it’s a good bet that I have no idea it’s happening!! Currently v15 has been tested in the Windows versions of IE, Firefox, and Chrome.)

Link List Prettified–Meet “Egress!”

I cleaned up and revamped my sad little link list, transforming it into Egress–lots more fun to visit, lots easier to click through! Now there are three main categories for links (“Play,” “Use,” and “Explore”), and there shouldn’t be any more broken links for at least a few days. LOL

(Many thanks also go to my Amassment buddy Lethe for helping me debug the layout when it was being failtastic! XD)

Fixed Up Links Page

I did a major sweep on my links page, adding, updating, and deleting links until everything is current and useful again. Plus, I put up a “Featured Sections” part on the main page so it doesn’t look so empty. 😀

Check it out, especially the Domains/Networks–I added sites from all the lovely people at Amassment.org. Give them a visit–they work just as hard as I do on their sites, if not harder!

Puttering Around WithinMyWorld.org

Got most of the little fixes complete around the site–still have to work out the odd spacing issue on the webdesign tutorials mini-site, but everything else looks shipshape and Bristol fashion. 😛

Well, except that I forgot to write up version 13’s inspiration paragraph, and I accidentally broke one of the affiliate links… ;_; Okay, okay, I’m continuing to putter around fixing stuff. xD

Let me know what you think about all the various layouts–I did a whole slew of them, for the main domain, the webmistress page, and the Surviving College article series, as well as the webdesign tutorials, as I mentioned above, the links page, the network page, and even the joined fanlistings page. I challenged myself, in each of these layouts, to use colors that don’t usually get used together, and use icon navigation instead of text links. How’d I do? Let me know in the comments!

Fanlist Cleanup, Part 1 and Links List Cleanup

Today, while hiding from the scary retail world of Black Friday, I went through all my joined fanlistings and noted the dead or moved ones. I also found about 10,000 more that I want to join on TFL.org. X_x Oh well, that’s what FLs are for–feeding our site-joining addiction. XD

Anyhow, now that I’ve noted all this stuff, I’m going to spend some time (maybe now, maybe later) getting rid of the dead links and putting up new links. Lot of work, but I think it’ll be worth it, since I hadn’t done jack squat with the joined FLs list in…um… *checks last date* Geez. Okay. Yeah. XD

ALSO: I did EVEN MORE fixing on the Links list. A little golden star icon was added to several sites’ descriptions, designating each as a “Robin-Recommended” site. Check those out, as well as some of the other new sites I added to the list!

Links Got Tidied Up

Check out the improved WMW.org Links page here! I went through all the links (physically clicking and evaluating each one), and edited/deleted as necessary. Some sites went away and some were added, but ALL are working links now. WOOT! (And all that done over dial-up, too. Never would have believe 50kbps could do so much.)

Going to keep my eye out for more links to add in the days to come…keep checking back for updates to my huge epic Links list. XD