Tag Archives: the impossible dream

Revamped: The Impossible Dream!

The Impossible Dream, an unusual Olaf site

After 2 years and several (SEVERAL) revisions, this little site is finally ready to show off! What was once a tiny site of 5 pages has now been rewritten and expanded with 5 brand-new articles to round out the content, including an introduction to Olaf as a character. I think I’ve finally nailed everything I wanted to say about Olaf and why I find so much to love about his character in the film!

(Fun facts: I actually had this revamp technically done on the 20th, but I waited a couple of days to see if I wanted to add anything more before officially plugging it here…also, I am still open to suggestions, especially about design choices!)

Hard at Work on Absentia and The Impossible Dream!

I’ve been quiet about my work on Absentia (my Eighth Doctor site), but that doesn’t mean I quit working on it entirely! (I did have some slowdowns due to lack of inspiration and motivation, but I think I’m fighting through those now :D)

Anyhow, I’ve added a couple new articles to Absentia: PTSD, the Eighth Doctor, and Me, and A Wacky Theory about the TV Movie. Check ’em out, let me know if they look weird or are hard to read, and let me know what you think about the topics I’ve covered! 😀

Also, I’m working behind the scenes on my Olaf site, The Impossible Dream (not going to link it yet because what is currently up is kind of embarrassing slkdjflksjdf). It got nominated for a Shrine Spotlight award over at Amassment, so I’m newly motivated to get this thing shined up and beefed up with more content, better layout/fonts, etc.!

A Look Back and a Look Forward

Whew, it’s November already! I still have a couple of projects in the hopper for 2016, but here’s what I’ve accomplished this year so far:

Wow, I didn’t think I’d accomplished QUITE that much this year, but it’s been a busy 10 months at WMWorg! March was my most productive month, though–weird!

Looking ahead, this is what I plan for November and December:

Whew, looks like a lot of work (and it probably will be, not going to lie), but I’m excited about it too–I’m not going to actively build any new sites or do any huge revamps in November, so I’m going to be able to do more little tasks around the domain. Check back for updates!

Updates All Around

Been puttering around the domain while aggressively procrastinating on cleaning my house! Here’s a list of what’s been updated:

Be sure to check all these out, and also keep an eye out for new sites coming in 2016! (Also, exclamation points are awesome!! LOL)

New Site: The Impossible Dream!

olaf_joyful WOOT! Today I am happy to announce that my unusual Olaf fansite, The Impossible Dream, is officially launched! (And it’s 32 days ahead of schedule! :O!!) Click the link to see how this English major breaks down Olaf’s functions in the film, plus read analyses involving Don Quixote and the Bible–if it sounds weirdly cool, that’s because it is! 😀

(Also, I apparently love exclamation marks!!! LOL)