Tag Archives: withinmyworld.org

Actual Updates (with Glitches)

Good news: I finally uploaded Version 17, The Sacred Sea, which has been sitting in development hell on my computer since 2020! Much rejoicing!! I DID A WEB DESIGN THINGY <3 annddddddd I have officially participated in the Amassment web design event being held on Discord this fall!

What’s been updated:

  • Main domain, with 2 pages of new content (gifts and a beginner’s guide to hobby webdesign)
  • Network page
  • Explore page and links page (stopped using the /exits/ and /exits/links/ URLs because I cannot be bothered anymore, LOL)

Bad news: I can’t get the text links to stop using default color and formatting, and I can’t get the paragraphs to stop looking all squashed together. ( Everything else works on the stylesheet, and W3C didn’t catch any code errors, so I have no idea why these two rules are broken.)

I will try to fix it tomorrow, but if I can’t get it fixed, it will probably have to wait till the end of the semester. HOWEVER! I am still counting this as a win because I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do it. Fall Break helped my brain breathe long enough to do it <3<3<3

And now I am off to get started on my night routine (and try to make my brain shut up about the glitchy code XD)

The Year Ahead for WMW.oRG

Phew, can you believe it’s already 2020?! Lots of things have been happening IRL, but I did want y’all to know I’ve got some great stuff planned for this year:

  • January 2020: Rework my two GIF-heavy advice sites, Declutter and Unspend
  • February 2020: Revamp and relaunch my gaming site, The Gamer’s Repose
  • March 2020: Update my music site, Mellifluous
  • April 2020: Launch of my Seto Kaiba fansite, tentatively called Progress
  • May 2020: Rework and update my faith site, Living Words
  • June-August 2020: Time off, because a wedding and honeymoon could be happening! :D!
  • September 2020: Resume work on my Eighth Doctor fansite, Absentia
  • October 2020: Rework and relaunch my ASMR site, Unwind
  • November 2020: Resume work on my Sound of Music fansite, Something Good
  • December 2020: Perhaps the launch of a fun new project that’s currently in development, if time permits!

YAY I might actually get most of this done this year! Message me and let me know what you’re working on this year 😀

Exits and Links Pages Updated!

After about 2 years, both my Exits and Links pages have received fresh layout updates and content reviews! WOO I DID SITE STUFF AFTER EONS *pompoms*

Both now sport more floral layouts to match the domain layout (which I’m still pretty happy with), and they involve better coding and design techniques–the exits page in particular features a new CSS technique called Flexbox, which will make my designing life about 5000% easier. I’m now super excited to try this on some other layouts!

Yes, Still Alive, LOL

I know it’s been more than a few hot minutes since I did much on my domain, but I’m still here! It’s just been hard to muster up the energy to work on websites much. I want to do stuff, but then I boot up the computer and my brain is just “you know what? …nah.” LOL! I still have several ideas for my sites, though. I will start nudging some things around in March and see how many flying flips I can spare for webdesign stuff!

Speaking of computers, I may be looking into getting a new computer at some point this year, because my current one is almost 7 years old and I’m not sure how much longer she’ll last. 🙁 She’s been a good one, though, and I don’t want to trade her in till she just doesn’t run anymore. I really like the ASUS brand laptops (especially the gaming ones like this one) because they just seem to be made to last much longer than normal laptops, just like I like ’em. If anybody has recommendations on what I should upgrade to, especially if it’s within the ASUS brand, let me know!

New Host and Actual Updates, Wow

Things have been a bit busy behind the scenes here at WMWorg! Recently, I found out that my previous host was going to be tripling the price of my plan, so I purchased new hosting with Teacake.org and moved there officially this past week. There were a few bugs to iron out, but Masao (the owner of Teacake.org) was super awesome with troubleshooting and getting me settled in. YAY for great web buddies ♥

Also, I’ve been doing a bit of cleanup work around the main page, network page, and links page. It had been almost two years since I updated the links page, but admittedly the last year and a half has been pretty hectic IRL, so it’s understandable. Now, at least, everything is tidy again, and my newest site The Other Slipper has its official place on my network page!

Lastly, I had hoped to release a project on October 25th, but work on that has been delayed due to my health. Hopefully I will get feeling better ASAP and can finish it, because it’s a labor of love and I can’t wait to show it off!

Version 16 Up and Running!

WOOT! This is a momentous day for WithinMyWorld.org–for the first time, she’s sporting a mobile-friendly and responsive PARALLAX layout! (If you don’t know what parallax is or why anybody would geek out over it, let’s just say parallax is the reason why my site looks so sleek and scrolls so pretty with all the different images. LOL!) I am in love with it and can’t stop scrolling up and down, thinking, “OH WOW I HELPED MAKE THIS???” (If it hadn’t been for that demo I found, I would have never gotten it to work!)

The network page has received a matching facelift, though it was a bit rushed–I couldn’t figure out how to make the silly divs obey me, so I had to use the trusty table tag again. (Hey, if it ain’t broke in most browsers, don’t fix it, right? ROFL) Also, I added a page about this new design over at Disguises, my layout archive.

Y’all, I am SUPER EXCITED about finally being able to make this work! As always, let me know if a few code bugs slipped out while I wasn’t looking, and I hope you enjoy!

Happy 12th Birthday, WMWorg!

Twelve years ago, I bought a domain for myself, not expecting much more out of myself than to create just a few fansites in one fandom, plus maybe a domain hub like so many of my fellow mid-2000s webdesigners. How wonderful it has been to see this little place grow to become a haven for all my various interests, plus a few informational/educational advice sites as well!

2016 especially has been productive and accomplished, with several new and relaunched sites; November 2016 itself became busy as I started my November Nouveau program of random productivity (LOL). Though I don’t know quite yet what I will be able to accomplish in the last few days of the year, I look forward to what 2017 has in store for the Visionary Sphere Network!

(Bonus: happy birthday to me! 😀 )

A Look Back and a Look Forward

Whew, it’s November already! I still have a couple of projects in the hopper for 2016, but here’s what I’ve accomplished this year so far:

Wow, I didn’t think I’d accomplished QUITE that much this year, but it’s been a busy 10 months at WMWorg! March was my most productive month, though–weird!

Looking ahead, this is what I plan for November and December:

Whew, looks like a lot of work (and it probably will be, not going to lie), but I’m excited about it too–I’m not going to actively build any new sites or do any huge revamps in November, so I’m going to be able to do more little tasks around the domain. Check back for updates!

Random Puttering, As Usual

In the days since the release of Version 15, I’ve gone back and edited a few things here and there, such as:

Ahead for WithinMyWorld.Org during this summer (time permitting):

  • Finish my in-progress Eighth Doctor site for the Construction Zone event at Amassment
  • Revamp and rename my faith site (it will likely be relocated to a new subfolder as well)

Stay tuned right here or at @wmworg for the upcoming changes!