Hard at Work on v13

After a 10-month wait, I’ve finally been able to move ahead with backend code and frontend design for WMW.org, as well as the look for the update blog. Now I just have to finish coding the fanlistings page and come up with design and code for the links page…LOL

Really enjoying getting back into web design. I didn’t realize how stifled I felt until I got a hard drive I could actually keep saving and re-saving to without fear of losing data. 😀 (But I’ll never let a hard drive failure catch me off-guard again–I’ve got a big external hard drive and 3 flash drives as backups now.)

Anyhow, keep your browsers tuned to WMW.org in the next month or so–v13 will be a big (and cool) change when it comes!

2 thoughts on “Hard at Work on v13”

  1. I am really excited for this next version!! Dying to see what you come up with. Yeah, getting back into designing after a long wait is always refreshing and fun.

    Dude, back EVERYTHING up.

    Also, sorry about the lack of updates on my site and never commenting on yours. I’ve been reading but as you saw in my last two blogs, life just got way too intense for me to keep track of and I’m still trying to sort it out.

    Wishing you the best. I promise our communication will be regular again soon because your well-being is often on my mind. 🙂

  2. Oh, trust me, everything is being backed up, in two places! 😀 😀

    I hear ya about RL getting in the way–still praying for you that everything will resolve itself. 🙂

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