The Year Ahead for WMW.oRG

Phew, can you believe it’s already 2020?! Lots of things have been happening IRL, but I did want y’all to know I’ve got some great stuff planned for this year:

  • January 2020: Rework my two GIF-heavy advice sites, Declutter and Unspend
  • February 2020: Revamp and relaunch my gaming site, The Gamer’s Repose
  • March 2020: Update my music site, Mellifluous
  • April 2020: Launch of my Seto Kaiba fansite, tentatively called Progress
  • May 2020: Rework and update my faith site, Living Words
  • June-August 2020: Time off, because a wedding and honeymoon could be happening! :D!
  • September 2020: Resume work on my Eighth Doctor fansite, Absentia
  • October 2020: Rework and relaunch my ASMR site, Unwind
  • November 2020: Resume work on my Sound of Music fansite, Something Good
  • December 2020: Perhaps the launch of a fun new project that’s currently in development, if time permits!

YAY I might actually get most of this done this year! Message me and let me know what you’re working on this year 😀