Category Archives: projects

New Fansite Ideas

Aside from my long-talked-about Dove II fansite, I’ve come up with a couple of other fansite ideas:

– The BBC show “Waiting for God”–love this show!
– Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars–my absolute favorite video game of all time!

So that’s three fansites I need to be working on. Good luck doing that while I’m still working off of three flash drives… -_-

[Yeah, I still haven’t found a new computer I want to upgrade to yet, and nobody will get back to me about possibly refurbishing my old one (’cause I still think the old girl’s got life in her yet). *SIGH*]

But I’m excited about new fansites–it’ll be nice to have a couple of other sites to include in the network again. And I’m still considering putting up my old fansites in archive mode…would be a sweet blast from the past.

Designing Version 13 and Other Things

While the loss of a year and a half of data is staggering, I am nevertheless working on Version 13’s designs for my domain, joined fanlistings, network, and network update blog (this thingamabob right here). Let’s just say that the new designs are…markedly different from version 12, but I believe it’s different in a good way.

Also, since I lost all of the data regarding Lux Perpetua (my Dove II fansite), I’m going to have to rebuild it from scratch. ;_; That is not cool, dude. At least I hadn’t scanned in but 5 issues… *sigh* But all my essays are gone, too–I’ll have to rewrite them all, and pray I remember all the content. Double ;_; .

And lastly, on a more positive note, I looking at possibly re-uploading some of my old-as-dirt anime and gaming shrines, in a kind of archival mode. (Since the last time I dealt with any of that stuff was back in 2008, the files from my June 2010 hard drive should still include those old site files.) I’ll probably edit the content down some so my rabid fangirlism isn’t as evident, but it would be nice to at least acknowledge my roots in webdesign. Who knows, I might even give each of the sites a fresh new design along the way. (Or I might just be lazy and upload them as-is. LOL)

Maintaining Course

With the bulk of my files far away and possibly unrecoverable, I can’t do much on my site, but there isn’t much TO do. But never fear! I’m keeping up with as much as I can, and I plan to keep adding things as necessary.

One of the projects I’ll be working on in the background is reformatting the College Knowledge section of my main site–the text, I have realized, looks a bit imposing on the screen, so I want to break it up a little more to make it look more readable and interesting.

Meanwhile, my daughter sites don’t need a whole lot of updating at the moment–at least, to my eye. Check out my other sites and see if you’d like anything else to be added!

Thinking of Making a Radio

Mostly inspired by the radio at, I’ve been thinking about making my own radio for, since I love music very much and I have a wide and eclectic taste in music.

Not really sure how to go about it, though. I did find a cool site called, which makes your own Internet radio, so I might try that out in the next couple of days. If that doesn’t work out like I think it should…well, Google and Bing might direct me towards some answers. ^_^

Tinkering, LJ Purge, and New Possible Projects

If you logged onto anytime between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM EST, you might have noticed that the navigation appeared to be bouncing around all over the place. That was me, trying to get the navigation to be a little more intuitive, and royally bungling things up in the process. -_-

BUT! I did get it fixed, and now all the little leafy navigation thingies have WORDS to go with them, all the time! WHOOPEE!

Also, since my old-as-grass LJ account is no longer being used as the update journal, I purged it of its networky updates and began again. I have no clue what I’m going to use it for, but I’ll keep it around for randoms.

I updated the network page accordingly, and even spruced up the network links all around. Now, they are more descriptive in their hover text. Woot. 😀

Lastly–check out the Projects page on this little blog for some new possibilities on the horizon…CuriousLittleBird just MIGHT be making a few more new sites in the near future! 😀 😀

Two New Link-Exchanges, and Lux Perpetua Project

Hooray! Check out and, my two new link-exchanges. (On the way to add them, I realized I didn’t even HAVE a link-exchanges page yet–that got fixed in a hurry!)

Also, in the next week, I am quite hopeful that I can upload my last upcoming site, now named Lux Perpetua, about Dove II of the comic book series Hawk & Dove.

In future updates, I’ll be referring to something called the Lux Perpetua Project, which is basically me scanning in all the best images of the lady Dove from my collection of H&D comics and uploading them. (Currently, I’ve got all of the five-issue miniseries scanned in, but it will take a VERY long time to scan in everything else. If I waited till I got ALL the comic issues done, Lux Perpetua would never be uploaded!)