Tag Archives: narratives

A Look Back and a Look Forward

Whew, it’s November already! I still have a couple of projects in the hopper for 2016, but here’s what I’ve accomplished this year so far:

Wow, I didn’t think I’d accomplished QUITE that much this year, but it’s been a busy 10 months at WMWorg! March was my most productive month, though–weird!

Looking ahead, this is what I plan for November and December:

Whew, looks like a lot of work (and it probably will be, not going to lie), but I’m excited about it too–I’m not going to actively build any new sites or do any huge revamps in November, so I’m going to be able to do more little tasks around the domain. Check back for updates!

Revamp: Narratives

a collection of character stories

After 7 years, this little site has received a complete facelift and revamp, including more (and better) content, cleaner navigation, a fresh design, and even a new name! Check out the 15 original character profiles I have, plus the new explanatory content, and let me know what you think!

New Affy and Spiffed-Up Look, Plus Updates

First, a big announcement: WMW.org’s got a new affiliate! Raine of Ashke.net graciously accepted my request for affiliation–go check out her awesome domain (and don’t forget to bow). XD

Second: I fixed the itty-bitty-teeny-tiny-yet-still-annoying-to-my-OCD problem that I’d been having with Version 12 of WMW.org. It may not look a whole lot different, but trust me, the backend coding is much different! Suffice it to say that I can now display more than four affiliate buttons without the whole layout going batpoo crazy. 😀 HOORAY for expandability!

Third: I added my last two character pages to @Austara’s Character Files. Now, Beatalie and VIBRATE officially take their place in my pantheon of City of Heroes characters. Wootwoot!

…Kind of amazed that I was able to get all this done, after months of not being able to do squat with webdesign. Startling what living WITHOUT headaches can help you accomplish! ^o^