Tag Archives: social media

Gone: Delicious and Livejournal

After much deliberation and soul-searching (okay, more like apathy and frustration), I deleted and purged my Delicious and Livejournal accounts, so the Network page displays two less links. Two less profiles to keep up with, two less sites to update on slow-as-molasses internet. Also, two less things I have to update.

I got rid of the Delicious account because it took about 45 minutes to load just the start page on dialup, and I already have a Stumbleupon account, so I don’t really need two link-saving services. I got rid of my LJ because most of the people I followed on there are fairly inactive, and I don’t really blog about my everyday life anymore–at least, not in so many words. These days, there are Facebook statuses (stati?) for that.

I am contemplating, however, creating a personal Tumblr at some point, mainly to reblog interesting things I find on the Internets. Anything that’s not about my boring and repetitive life, or way too personal for my comfort, would be okay with me. 😛

Whoo, WMW.org Is On Twitter!

After months of shuffling my feet and going back and forth about it, WMW.org is finally on Twitter, as–you guessed it–@wmworg . 😀

Also, this post is a way of testing whether WP and the WordSocial plugin play nicely together. This way, I can post to this little blog and Twitter will automatically update…I hope. *crosses fingers* Well, we shall see!

Tinkering, LJ Purge, and New Possible Projects

If you logged onto WMW.org anytime between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM EST, you might have noticed that the navigation appeared to be bouncing around all over the place. That was me, trying to get the navigation to be a little more intuitive, and royally bungling things up in the process. -_-

BUT! I did get it fixed, and now all the little leafy navigation thingies have WORDS to go with them, all the time! WHOOPEE!

Also, since my old-as-grass LJ account is no longer being used as the update journal, I purged it of its networky updates and began again. I have no clue what I’m going to use it for, but I’ll keep it around for randoms.

I updated the network page accordingly, and even spruced up the network links all around. Now, they are more descriptive in their hover text. Woot. 😀

Lastly–check out the Projects page on this little blog for some new possibilities on the horizon…CuriousLittleBird just MIGHT be making a few more new sites in the near future! 😀 😀