Tomorrow’s Calling
about the world of Animal Crossing
This site was a HUGE challenge for me to accomplish, especially with all the heartache of my mother’s worsening illness over the last year, culminating in her passing in April. I honestly didn’t know if I’d ever feel like making anything creative ever again. I also struggled with HOW to do this site; it kept suffering from “wiki-itis” as I simply retyped horrible boring lists of basic info I found in my research. I often felt trapped somewhere between “informing viewers ABOUT the world” and “using the info to ANALYZE the world.”
Thus, this little site would not be possible without the aid of these fine folks:
With their help, I was finally able to break out of “wiki-itis” and create a fitting tribute to the world of Animal Crossing, with full-bodied descriptions, analyses, and even the use of music in unexpected ways. It blossomed nearly overnight, from an embarrassment to something approaching a magnum opus. It’s not just a site about Animal Crossing’s world anymore, but a site about our OWN world, too, by extension…I’m still amazed that any of this came out of my head when my brain cells have been so scattered! But as with most of my sites, this was truly a group effort and I’m so happy I tried this. ♥ ♥ ♥