First, a big announcement:’s got a new affiliate! Raine of graciously accepted my request for affiliation–go check out her awesome domain (and don’t forget to bow). XD
Second: I fixed the itty-bitty-teeny-tiny-yet-still-annoying-to-my-OCD problem that I’d been having with Version 12 of It may not look a whole lot different, but trust me, the backend coding is much different! Suffice it to say that I can now display more than four affiliate buttons without the whole layout going batpoo crazy. 😀 HOORAY for expandability!
Third: I added my last two character pages to @Austara’s Character Files. Now, Beatalie and VIBRATE officially take their place in my pantheon of City of Heroes characters. Wootwoot!
…Kind of amazed that I was able to get all this done, after months of not being able to do squat with webdesign. Startling what living WITHOUT headaches can help you accomplish! ^o^