New Affy and Spiffed-Up Look, Plus Updates

First, a big announcement:’s got a new affiliate! Raine of graciously accepted my request for affiliation–go check out her awesome domain (and don’t forget to bow). XD

Second: I fixed the itty-bitty-teeny-tiny-yet-still-annoying-to-my-OCD problem that I’d been having with Version 12 of It may not look a whole lot different, but trust me, the backend coding is much different! Suffice it to say that I can now display more than four affiliate buttons without the whole layout going batpoo crazy. 😀 HOORAY for expandability!

Third: I added my last two character pages to @Austara’s Character Files. Now, Beatalie and VIBRATE officially take their place in my pantheon of City of Heroes characters. Wootwoot!

…Kind of amazed that I was able to get all this done, after months of not being able to do squat with webdesign. Startling what living WITHOUT headaches can help you accomplish! ^o^

Uber-update at The Gamer’s Repose

Finally finished all the work I wanted to do over at The Gamer’s Repose.  Here’s a brief rundown:

  • Took off expansion/set lists for Magic and HeroClix–couldn’t keep ’em updated fast enough, and there were other sites that did it better
  • Created a sitemap
  • Edited Team Abilities article to reflect all the new team abilities in HeroClix

Hooray!  Only been trying to get up the energy to do this for four months… XD

Now, on to Skies Over Atlas.  Mwahaha.  🙂

Looking for Affiliates

Currently on the lookout for affiliates for Crooked Glasses,, Skies over Atlas, and The Gamer’s Repose…if you’re interested in affiliating, please let me know via a comment on this post, a guestbook comment, or an email to curiouslittlebird {AT} yahoo {DOT} com.  (Please, no porn or hate sites.)

Crooked Glasses:  Topic blog; looking for other blogs.  URL:  Domain and network hub; looking for other domains, any type.  URL:

Skies over Atlas:  City of Heroes fansite; looking for other City of Heroes fansites.  URL:

The Gamer’s Repose:  Magic: the Gathering and HeroClix fansite, with a side of general collectible gaming; looking for collectible gaming sites of any sort.  URL:


Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and I look forward to hearing from you!  🙂

I heart the /images/ directory

…and I especially love it because I just spent about 45 minutes making it and moving tons of stuff over into it.

Oh, yes.  7 different little folders within the /images/ directory, all to organize the hundreds of images I had just tossed into my main directory willy-nilly.  The actual moving process didn’t take all that long, but I had to make sure all my text files linked to the images properly.  THAT took a while.  Ah, debug.

So, according to my last post, I told the truth–the image-hoarding problem WAS solved by “tomorrow,” which is today now.  😀  Woot, I finally didn’t procrastinate something to death.

Random Page and Image Hoarding?

I admit it.  I hoard like crazy.  And apparently, I don’t just hoard random things in my house–I hoard digital things on this domain.

Exhibit A:  One “welcome” image from version 8 (EIGHT!!), about ten million years ago.  Why did I not get rid of it?  Who knows.  XD

Exhibit B:  6 pages that I combined into my current “webmistress” page and forgot to delete…or was afraid to delete because I didn’t know if they were still in use.  SAD.

And finally, Exhibit C:  an old old old old OLD javascript file from, I believe, version 5.  REALLY?

…  -_-  *sigh*

Just as in real life, I am hopeless at organizing digital files.  BUT!  That will change.

…Tomorrow.  XD

WOOT New Layout and Updates~~

Awesome!  I finally got this amazing layout up 🙂

Well, it’s amazing to me, because I hand-drew everything and it’s been 4 months in coming, due to a lot of fails and real-life junk that has gone south.  With the perilous injury to my beloved Asus laptop (knocked from a tabletop in August, still not fixed completely because of not being able to find a service manual), it effectively stopped all my website work since I wasn’t able to access any files for several weeks.  And did I mention that wisdom teeth can become infected and you can be completely unaware for 3 months?  Yeeeaaah.  About that.  XD

Anyhoo, enough of the sad.  This is a moment for HAPPY!  Enjoy the new layout–hope it’s not TOO buggy, and if it is, I’ll try to fix it.  Also, LOOK!  RSS FEEDS!!  <(^_^<)  (^o^)   (>^_^)>

That is all.  😀