Tag Archives: novel progress

Revamped: Novel Progress Page!

Novel Progress

My third project of 2017 is live! (Actually, I even completed it yesterday–thank you, snow days! xD)

Now this little page shows the current state of my novels…yup, that’s right, novels! I took the one big book I’ve been working on for YEARS and officially split it into three books. The second and third books are novel-length already (over 75,000 words), and the first book will be as soon as I beef it up with more story and description. At least…I hope so ^_^;

Anyhow, take a moment and check out the new and improved-ness! YAY PRODUCTIVITY AT LAST 😀

Redesigned Novel Page! Go See It, It’s AWESOME :D

So, I’ve been racking my brain for a week trying to figure out how to redesign my novel page, and I finally did it!!!


LOOK AT THIS AMAZINGNESS!!! I can’t believe that I made something so elegant!

Actually, I had a lot of help–I wanted an update-able progress bar (i.e., something I didn’t have to create new in Photoshop every time I updated my book), and after a few seconds of Google searching, I found HTML5Doctor’s writeup of the <progress> tag, which showed how to use and style a progress bar. Then I checked the W3Schools article for a little bit more help, and that’s all I needed!

Anyhow, now my novel page is happily in the 21st century and easy to update. *commence ridiculous amounts of celebrating*

Novel Page Update!

I am definitely still writing my novel, and my novel page now reflects the most recent conditions! Can you believe I’ve got 168,000 words so far? 😀

(By the way, I’m not putting anything of my novel online to keep it from getting stolen, but you can keep up with how fast I’m writing it by looking at the novel page. ^_^)

I Swear I’m Here, LOL

Though not much has changed on the ol’ domain, I swear I’m here. Real life and illness have been keeping me from working, as well as the lack of my own computer yet. :/ (I guess I’ll be going to get a new computer soonish, if only to have an internal hard drive of my own again.) Did I mention I’ve about had it with these headaches that feel like the side of my head’s been set on fire? They need to go AWAY.

…Annnnnnnnnnd I realllllly hate dialup. *shakes fist at corporations that won’t get off their butts to install fast access out here*


I’ve been keeping Crooked Glasses updated weekly, but that’s been the limit of what I could do most recently. My novel is being worked on, very very slowly (hard to write when I can’t think clearly), and the layouts for WMW.org are coming along well also (amid a couple of rethinking sessions and setbacks). I’ve actually got a very new style on the way–I think it’ll work better for how the domain’s been growing and changing–WMW isn’t such an infant anymore, and appears to have grown out of its baby clothes. 😛

Please continue to watch this space, as I battle the Headache Monster, the Real-Life Monster, and the Technology Monster. ^_^;