Happy 12th Birthday, WMWorg!

Twelve years ago, I bought a domain for myself, not expecting much more out of myself than to create just a few fansites in one fandom, plus maybe a domain hub like so many of my fellow mid-2000s webdesigners. How wonderful it has been to see this little place grow to become a haven for all my various interests, plus a few informational/educational advice sites as well!

2016 especially has been productive and accomplished, with several new and relaunched sites; November 2016 itself became busy as I started my November Nouveau program of random productivity (LOL). Though I don’t know quite yet what I will be able to accomplish in the last few days of the year, I look forward to what 2017 has in store for the Visionary Sphere Network!

(Bonus: happy birthday to me! 😀 )